matt deangelis music
Believer, peace, love for all, positivity, storm chasing
Contact: mattdeangelismusic@gmail.com

About me
I'm Matt DeAngelis, a 25-year-old singer/songwriter from Southern New Jersey, USA. I have been honing my craft as a songwriter since age 8 with the ultimate goal of spreading a positive outlook in a world that can be riddled with strife and negativity. Having been diagnosed with an OCD/anxiety disorder from my youth, I have internalized the time sensitive world around me and have learned through my strong faith to take a negative and turn it into a positive, which has been a guiding force in my development as a songwriter. My advocacy for climate change and mental health have been a passion since my youth and I have loved weather for as long as I can remember. Over recent years, I have also become a storm chaser to spread awareness of the changing climate that has become a serious issue in the preservation of our planet.